Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği (TTMD), Mekanik Tesisat Müteahhitleri Derneği (MTMD) ve Borusan Boru iş birliği ile düzenlenen MechTalks, mekanik tesisat sektörünün tüm paydaşlarını bir araya getirerek tecrübe ve deneyim paylaşımı ile mekanik tesisat profesyonellerini daha ileri taşımayı ve sektörünün önde gelen etkinliklerinden biri olmayı amaçlar.
TTMD;Turkish Society of HVAC and Sanitary Engineers (TTMD) was founded in 1992 with the goal of improving and fostering the services provided by Mechanical Engineers in heating, refrigerating, ventilating, air-conditioning, plumbing, insulation and control areas of the building industry. Today, TTMD has become an association where professionals from different disciplines, such as designers, consultants, reps, manufacturers, installers, operators, academicians etc, come together on a common platform for shared goals.
MTMD, is a structure formed by legal entities that was born on April 12, 2007, within the Turkish Society of HVAC and Sanitary Engineers. The main idea that created the association; To ensure that Turkish mechanical installation contracting has global competitive power, to fulfill its duty in the development of the national mechanical installation sector at the best level, and to ensure the necessary improvements to strengthen and protect the existence of its own professional discipline. Aiming at a common roof where mechanical contractors can discuss their common problems and form a union for solutions, MTMD aims to be the dynamo of the development of the profession and its strengthening at home and abroad by making internationally applied and accepted authorities and responsibilities dominant in the sector, within acceptable competitive conditions.
A framework has been needed to discuss, analyze and conclude issues such as increasing our experience around this purpose and main ideas, preparing our infrastructure, introducing our sector and gaining new employees, discussing our common problems and finding solutions, doing business at internationally accepted standards and taking responsibility. This platform is no other than the Mechanical Contractors’ Association.
Borusan Boru, Founded in 1958, Borusan Pipe is the first industrial initiative of the Borusan Group, one of Turkey's leading powers.
Today, Borusan Pipe carries its experience, expertise, and passion to all corners of the world with its high-tech pipes in every field, from automotive to construction, from energy to machinery production, with its high sales volume, and is among the leading manufacturers of Europe and the world in the steel pipe industry.
Continuing its investments with a global perspective in line with market dynamics, the company . He made his first overseas investment by establishing Borusan Vobarno Tubi S.p.A. with the facility it purchased in Italy in 2001. In 2014, it founded Borusan Pipe US Inc. to manage the Houston Baytown factory investment in the USA. In 2023, within the scope of its strategy of becoming a local player in global markets, it purchased Berg Pipe, one of the companies in the USA that produces the highest quality and capacity, and incorporated it as Borusan Berg Pipe.
Borusan Pipe, in the top 100 in the list of Turkey's largest industrial enterprises since its first year, is building Turkey's future beyond producing pipes with its thousands of products, reliable service, quality, and the firsts it has achieved in Turkiye and the world. It offers a sustainable society and world with its management policies, and a developed country, and a safe future with its large-scale investments.
* 11 Production Facilities on 3 Continents
* 2 Million Tons Production Capacity with more than 4000 product types
* More than 2800 Employees
* Export to More than 80 Countries
* Türkiye Automotive Pipe Market Share is 85%